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Ikarus Machine Code Implementation (ASM)

Machine code refers to a program or program segment written in machine language, which can be directly executed by a processor without further translation steps. The relevant machine language for us is that belonging to the x86 processor architecture. All machine instructions, what they do, and how they are encoded in machine language can be found in the Intel Manuals.

In practice, dealing with (abstract) machine instructions and manually translating them into (concrete) machine code is rarely necessary due to its complexity.

However, machine code can be useful for performing technical tasks that cannot be expressed in Daedalus directly. For example, the CALL package use the ASM function set as a basis.


The functions in this chapter have the ASM_ prefix for Assembly (language). Assembly language is a human-readable language with one-to-one correspondences to machine language. Strictly speaking, the ASM_ prefix is misleading here, as it pertains to machine code rather than assembly language. However, conceptually, the two are closely related.


The best way to initialize all Ikarus functions is to call MEM_InitAll() in the Init_Global() initialization function.


If you want to use Ikarus in Gothic 1, it is best to define your own Init_Global() function and call it from every world initialization function.



Ikarus.d on GitHub


The code defines several constants that represent different machine code instructions. Each constant is assigned a hexadecimal value and corresponds to a specific machine code instruction. Here is a link to all instructions.

Internal Stack

The code includes an internal stack implementation, allowing the storage of data. The stack is already used at two points:

  • When calling an engine function, the address of the current run is stored in the internal stack.
  • When nesting the use of the CALL package, a push and pop operation is performed to manage the context.

The internal stack is implemented using an array, and the following functions are provided:



Pushes the specified data onto the internal stack.

func void ASMINT_Push(var int data)
  • var int data
    Data pushed onto internal stack



Pops and returns the topmost data from the internal stack.

func int ASMINT_Pop()
Return value

The function returns a data popped form the internal stack.

Functions (Core)

The ASM core functionality provides a framework for assembling machine code instructions and executing them. The following functions are included:



Initializes the ASM system by creating an internal stack and finding function addresses.

func void ASMINT_Init()


It's worth noting that ASMINT_Ini is also invoked by the MEM_InitAll function.



Changes the size of the memory allocated at the start o the dictation

The memory in which the machine code is stored is allocated at the beginning of the dictation. If this function isn't called a default size (see Constant below) is allocated by ASM or ASM_Here function. The 256 bytes is often sufficient for simple applications, but if more memory is required, this function must be called at the beginning of the dictation.

func void ASM_Open(var int space)
  • var int space
    Space allocated for machine code (in bytes)


ASM_StandardStreamLength constant defines the default space available for an Assembler sequence (in bytes).

const int ASM_StandardStreamLength = 256;



Writes machine code instructions to the stream.

Using this function it is possible to dictate machine code little by little. The data bytes of the length (maximum 4!) are appended to the previously dictated part. This creates a program piece by piece that can be executed by the processor.

func void ASM(var int data, var int length)
  • var int data
    The machine code instruction or its part
  • var int length
    Length of the data (max 4 bytes)



ASM with length parameter hardcoded to 1. Writes one byte machine code instructions to the stream.

func void ASM_1(var int data) 
  • var int data
    One byte machine code instruction or its part



ASM with length parameter hardcoded to 2. Writes two bytes machine code instructions to the stream.

func void ASM_1(var int data) 
  • var int data
    Two bytes machine code instruction or its part



ASM with length parameter hardcoded to 3. Writes three bytes machine code instructions to the stream.

func void ASM_1(var int data) 
  • var int data
    Three bytes machine code instruction or its part



ASM with length parameter hardcoded to 4. Writes four bytes machine code instructions to the stream.

func void ASM_1(var int data) 
  • var int data
    Four bytes machine code instruction or its part



Provides, the address of the cursor, i.e., the address of the location that will be described next by a call to ASM. It is guaranteed that the location where the code is written is also the location where it will be executed.

func int ASM_Here()

Return value

The function returns an address that is the current position in the machine code stream.



Finalizes the stream by adding a return instruction and returns the starting address of the stream. This pointer can now be passed to at any time and any number of times to execute the machine code.


The memory area obtained by ASM_Close must be released manually using MEM_Free to avoid memory leaks. It is probably sufficient for almost all practical purposes.

func int ASM_Close()
Return value

The function returns a starting address of the stream (pointer to the stream).



Executes a machine code (stream) from a pointer.


ASM_Run can also be used to call engine functions with no parameters and no relevant return value. In this case ptr would simply have to point to the function to be executed in the code segment.

func void ASM_Run(var int ptr)
  • var int ptr
    Pointer to the executed code (returned form ASM_Close)



Executes the code dictated up to that point, similar to how an external function is executed. After that the code is released, and new code can be dictated.

func void ASM_RunOnce()


The following function sets the NPC passed as slf as the player, as if you had pressed O in Marvin mode with this NPC in focus. This is so short because there is already a function for this exact purpose, it's just not normally accessible from the scripts. It is therefore sufficient to write assembly code that pushes the parameter of the function (the this pointer) into the appropriate register and then calls the function.

func void SetAsPlayer(var C_NPC slf) { /* Address of the function */
    const int oCNpc__SetAsPlayer = 7612064; //0x7426A0 (Gothic2.exe)

    var int slfPtr;
    slfPtr = MEM_InstToPtr (slf);

    //mov ecx slfPtr
    ASM_1(ASMINT_OP_movImToECX); /* move a value to ecx */
    ASM_4(slfPtr); /* a value */

    //call oCNpc__SetAsPlayer
    ASM_4(oCNpc__SetAsPlayer - ASM_Here() - 4);

    ASM_RunOnce(); /* return will be added automatically */


Call targets are specified relative to the instruction that would have been executed after the actual call instruction. Therefore, both ASM_Here() and the subtraction of 4 in the call parameter are necessary.

The above example describes, among other things, CALL__thiscall function form the CALL Package that can be also used to implement SetAsPlayer.

func void SetAsPlayer(var C_NPC slf) { 
    const int oCNpc__SetAsPlayer = 7612064;
    CALL__thiscall(MEM_InstToPtr(slf), oCNpc__SetAsPlayer);