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MDL functions

Functions to tweak animation and other model related settings.



Apply an animation overlay with overlay_name for the specified npc

func void Mdl_ApplyOverlayMDS(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the overlay to
  • var string overlay_name
    Name of the animation overlay



Apply an animation overlay with overlay_name for the specified npc for duration milliseconds

func void Mdl_ApplyOverlayMDSTimed(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name, var float duration) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the overlay to
  • var string overlay_name
    Name of the animation overlay
  • var float duration
    Overlay duration in milliseconds



Remove the animation overlay overlay_name from specified npc

func void Mdl_RemoveOverlayMDS(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to remove the overlay from
  • var string overlay_name
    Name of the animation overlay



Assign a random animation ani2 to random animation list of animation ani1

func void Mdl_ApplyRandomAni(var c_npc npc, var string ani1, var string ani2) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC owning the animation
  • var string ani1
    The animation to assign random animation to
  • var string ani2
    Animation to be assigned



Sets the random animation frequency for animation ani1

func void Mdl_ApplyRandomAniFreq(var c_npc npc, var string ani1, var float frequency) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC owning the animation
  • var string ani1
    The animation to set the random frequency
  • var float frequency
    Number of seconds between random animations
// Attach T_WOUNDED_TRY animation to the S_WOUNDED animation
Mdl_ApplyRandomAni(self, "S_WOUNDED", "T_WOUNDED_TRY");
// Make the random animation attached play every 8 seconds
Mdl_ApplyRandomAniFreq(self, "S_WOUNDED", 8);



Set the procedural model fatness

func void Mdl_SetModelFatness(var c_npc npc, var float fatness) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the fatness to
  • var float fatness
    Fatness value



Set model scale per axis

func void Mdl_SetModelScale(var c_npc npc, var float x, var float y, var float z) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the scale to
  • var float x
    Scale along the x-axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90%
  • var float y
    Scale along the y-axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90%
  • var float z
    Scale along the z-axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90%



Sets up the visual of an NPC

func void Mdl_SetVisualBody(var instance npc,
                            var string body_mesh,
                            var int body_tex,
                            var int skin,
                            var string head_mesh,
                            var int head_tex,
                            var int teeth_tex,
                            var int armor_inst       ) {};


  • var instance npc
    NPC to be affected
  • var string body_mesh
    Mesh to be used as the body e.g. HUN_BODY_NAKED0
  • var int body_tex
    Body texture assigned to this body mesh
  • var int skin
    Body texture variant
  • var string head_mesh
    Head mesh
  • var int head_tex
    Head texture
  • var int teeth_tex
    Teeth texture
  • var int armor_inst
    Armor (C_ITEM instance) to be equipped or -1 for no armor



Set the animation set (also dictates models you can set using the Mdl_SetVisualBody)

func void Mdl_SetVisual(var instance npc, var string animation_set) {};


  • var instance npc
    NPC to apply the animation set to
  • var string animation_set
    Name of the MDS file that contains the animation set



Start a face animation

func void Mdl_StartFaceAni(var c_npc npc,
                           var string name,
                           var float intensity,
                           var float holdtime) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the animation to
  • var string name
    Animation name
  • var float intensity
    Intensity of the animation 0.0 to 1.0
  • var float holdtime
    How long should the animation be held for -2 will use the MMS defined value, '-1' will make the hold time infinite



Start a random face animation

func void Mdl_ApplyRandomFaceAni(var c_npc npc,
                                 var string name,
                                 var float timemin,
                                 var float timeminvar,
                                 var float timemax,
                                 var float timemaxvar,
                                 var float probmin) {};


  • var c_npc npc
    NPC to apply the animation to
  • var string name
    Animation name
  • var float timemin
    Minimum time after which the ani should be started (in seconds)
  • var float timeminvar
    Minimum boundary variation (in seconds)
  • var float timemax
    Maximum time after which the ani should be started (in seconds)
  • var float timemaxvar
    Maximum boundary variation (in seconds)
  • var float probmin
    Probability (0.0 to 1.0) to choose the lower boundary time

Externals with docu comments

/// Apply an animation overlay with `overlay_name` for the specified `npc`
/// @param npc NPC to apply the overlay to
/// @param overlay_name name of the animation overlay
func void Mdl_ApplyOverlayMDS(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name) {};

/// Apply an animation overlay with `overlay_name` for the specified `npc` for `duration` milliseconds
/// @param npc NPC to apply the overlay to
/// @param overlay_name name of the animation overlay
/// @param duration overlay duration in milliseconds
func void Mdl_ApplyOverlayMDSTimed(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name, var float duration) {};

/// Remove the animation overlay `overlay_name` from specified `npc` 
/// @param npc NPC to remove the overlay from
/// @param overlay_name name of the animation overlay
func void Mdl_RemoveOverlayMDS(var c_npc npc, var string overlay_name) {};

/// Assign a random animation `ani2` to random animation list of animation `ani1`
/// @param npc NPC owning the animation
/// @param ani1 the animation to assign random animation to
/// @param ani2 animation to be assigned
func void Mdl_ApplyRandomAni(var c_npc npc, var string ani1, var string ani2) {};

/// Sets the random animation frequency for animation `ani1`
/// @param npc NPC owning the animation
/// @param ani1 the animation to set the random frequency
/// @param frequency number of seconds between random animations
func void Mdl_ApplyRandomAniFreq(var c_npc npc, var string ani1, var float frequency) {};

/// Set the procedural model fatness
/// @param npc NPC to apply the fatness to 
/// @param fatness fatness value
func void Mdl_SetModelFatness(var c_npc npc, var float fatness) {};

/// Set model scale per axis
/// @param npc NPC to apply the scale to 
/// @param x scale along the x axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90% 
/// @param y scale along the y axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90% 
/// @param z scale along the z axis, 1.0 = 100%, 1.5 = 150%, 0.9 = 90% 
func void Mdl_SetModelScale(var c_npc npc, var float x, var float y, var float z) {};

/// Sets up the visual of an NPC
/// @param npc NPC to be affected
/// @param body_mesh mesh to be used as the body e.g. `HUN_BODY_NAKED0`
/// @param body_tex body texture assigned to this body mesh
/// @param skin body texture variant
/// @param head_mesh head mesh
/// @param head_tex head texture
/// @param teeth_tex teeth texture
/// @param armor_inst armor (C_ITEM instance) to be equipped or `-1` for no armor 
func void Mdl_SetVisualBody(var instance npc,
                            var string body_mesh,
                            var int body_tex,
                            var int skin,
                            var string head_mesh,
                            var int head_tex,
                            var int teeth_tex,
                            var int armor_inst       ) {};

/// Set the animation set (also dictates models you can set using the `Mdl_SetVisualBody`)
/// @param npc NPC to apply the animation set to 
/// @param animation_set name of the MDS file that contains the animation set
func void Mdl_SetVisual(var instance npc, var string animation_set) {};

/// Start a face animation
/// @param npc NPC to apply the animation to 
/// @param name animation name
/// @param intensity intensity of the animation 0.0 to 1.0
/// @param holdtime how long should the animation be held for `-2` will use the MMS defined value, '-1' will make the hold time infinite
func void Mdl_StartFaceAni(var c_npc npc,
                           var string name,
                           var float intensity,
                           var float holdtime) {};

/// Start a random face animation
/// @param npc NPC to apply the animation to 
/// @param name animation name
/// @param timemin minimum time after which the ani should be started (in seconds)
/// @param timeminvar minimum boundary variation (in seconds)
/// @param timemax maximum time after which the ani should be started (in seconds)
/// @param timemaxvar maximum boundary variation (in seconds)
/// @param probmin probability (0.0 to 1.0) to choose the lower boundary time
func void Mdl_ApplyRandomFaceAni(var c_npc npc,
                                 var string name,
                                 var float timemin,
                                 var float timeminvar,
                                 var float timemax,
                                 var float timemaxvar,
                                 var float probmin) {};