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- AI_Function
- Anim8
- HookEngine
- PermMem
Interface.d on GitHub

This package offers a lot of useful functions to work with the 2D interface.


Initialize with LeGo_Interface and LeGo_PrintS flag.

LeGo_Init(LeGo_Interface | LeGo_PrintS);




Better alternative for MEM_GetSysTime() from Ikarus.

func int sysGetTime()
Return value

The function returns elapsed time since game (system) startup.



Generates a full zColor.

func int RGBA(var int r, var int g, var int b, var int a)
  • var int r
    Red channel value (0..255)
  • var int g
    Green channel value (0..255)
  • var int b
    Blue channel value (0..255)
  • var int a
    Alpha (0..255, 0 = invisible)

Return value

The function returns a zColor object.



Overrides the alpha value of a given zColor.

func int ChangeAlpha(var int zCol, var int a)
  • var int zCol
    zColor to modify
  • var int a
    New alpha value

Return value

The function returns a modified zColor object.



Returns the alpha value of a given zColor.

func int GetAlpha(var int zCol)
  • var int zCol
    zColor to get alpha from


Creates a new zCViewText on the screen with PermMem that can be freely edited.

func int Print_CreateText(var string text, var string font)
  • var string text
    The text of the zCViewText
  • var string font
    Font of text

Return value

The function returns a handle to zCViewText.


Print_CreateText but returns pointer to zCViewText instead of handle.

func int Print_CreateTextPtr(var string text, var string font)
  • var string text
    The text of the zCViewText
  • var string font
    Font of text

Return value

The function returns a pointer to zCViewText.


Print_CreateTextPtr but with additional parameter to chose color of text.

func int Print_CreateTextPtrColored(var string text, var string font, var int color)
  • var string text
    The text of the zCViewText
  • var string font
    Font of text
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function

Return value

The function returns a pointer to zCViewText.


Returns zCViewText instance from handle.

func zCViewText Print_GetText(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle to zCViewText


Returns zCViewText pointer from handle.

func int Print_GetTextPtr(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle to zCViewText


Removes a zCViewText from the screen.

func void Print_DeleteText(var int hndl)


Changes the alpha value of a given zCViewText.

func void Print_SetAlpha(var int hndl, var int a)
  • var int hndl
    Handle to zCViewText
  • var int a
    New alpha value



Print_SetAlpha but with pointer to zCViewText instead of handle.

func void PrintPtr_SetAlpha(var int ptr, var int a)
  • var int ptr
    Pointer to zCViewText
  • var int a
    New alpha value


Writes the current resolution to the Print_Screen array and the current aspect ratio to Print_Ratio variable.

func void Print_GetScreenSize()


An int array holding the current resolution. (Filled by Print_GetScreenSize)

int Print_Screen[2];
  • Print_Screen[PS_X] is the horizontal resolution

  • Print_Screen[PS_Y] is the vertical resolution


A float variable that holds the current aspect ratio. (Filled by Print_GetScreenSize)

int Print_Ratio;



An int constant that holds the highest possible value of a virtual coordinate.

const int PS_VMax = 8192;


Convents pixel position to a virtual position.

func int Print_ToVirtual(var int pxl, var int dim)
  • var int pxl
    Pixel position to convert
  • var int dim
    PS_X or PS_Y (see Print_Screen)

Return value

The function returns a virtual position of a given pixel position.


Print_ToVirtual but returns Ikarus float value instead of integer.

func int Print_ToVirtualF(var int pxl, var int dim)
  • var int pxl
    Pixel position to convert
  • var int dim
    PS_X or PS_Y (see Print_Screen)

Return value

The function returns a virtual position of a given pixel position as Ikarus float.


Convents virtual position to a pixel position.

func int Print_ToPixel(var int vrt, var int dim)
  • var int vrt
    Virtual position to convert
  • var int dim
    PS_X or PS_Y (see Print_Screen)

Return value

The function returns a pixel position of a given virtual position.


Print_ToPixel but returns Ikarus float value instead of integer.

func int Print_ToPixelF(var int vrt, var int dim)
  • var int vrt
    Virtual position to convert
  • var int dim
    PS_X or PS_Y (see Print_Screen)

Return value

The function returns a pixel position of a given virtual position as Ikarus float.


Gets the size in the specified dimension in ratioed by the screen.

func int Print_ToRatio(var int size, var int dim)
  • var int size
    Size to convert
  • var int dim
    PS_X or PS_Y (see Print_Screen)

Return value

The function returns size correctly calculated to the ratio.


If you have a view and the view you need to be a square of 400 units, you would do:

height = Print_ToRatio(400, PS_Y);
width = 400;
This is because width is always the max in virtual coordinates - 8192 virtual points and the height has a different height based on the ratio, this function calculates it for you.

PS_X can be used in function, if you already have the height but need the width in the correct ratio.


Converts angle in degrees to radians.

func int Print_ToRadian(var int angle)
  • var int angle
    Angle in degrees

Return value

The function returns calculated angle in radians.


Converts angle in radians to degrees.

func int Print_ToDegree(var int angle)
  • var int angle
    Angle in radians

Return value

The function returns calculated angle in degrees.


Returns a pointer to a zCFont by its name.

func int Print_GetFontPtr(var string font)
  • var string font
    Name of font


Returns a name of a zCFont from its pointer.

func string Print_GetFontName(var int fontPtr)
  • var int fontPtr
    Pointer to font


Returns the width of a string in pixels.

func int Print_GetStringWidth(var string s, var string font)
  • var string s
    Measured string
  • var string font
    Name of font


Print_GetStringWidth but with zCFont pointer instead of name.

func int Print_GetStringWidthPtr(var string s, var int font)
  • var string s
    Measured string
  • var int font
    zCFont pointer


Returns the height of a string in pixels.

func int Print_GetFontHeight(var string font)
  • var string font
    Name of font


Like the external PrintScreen, writes a text on the screen, but with more options.

func int Print_Ext(var int x, var int y, var string text, var string font, var int color, var int time)
  • var int x
    X coordinate on the screen (virtual)
  • var int y
    Y coordinate on the screen (virtual)
  • var string text
    Displayed text
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function
  • var int time
    display time in milliseconds (-1 = permanent)

Return value

If time == -1, a valid handle is returned. If time != -1, the print is only volatile and no handle is returned.

func void Example1()
    //           x, y, text,   font,        color,                time
    Print_ExtPxl(2, 2, "Text", FONT_Screen, RGBA(255, 0, 0, 128), 500);


Print_Ext but with pixel coordinates instead of virtual.

func int Print_ExtPxl(var int x, var int y, var string text, var string font, var int color, var int time)
  • var int x
    X coordinate on the screen (pixel)
  • var int y
    Y coordinate on the screen (pixel)
  • var string text
    Displayed text
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function
  • var int time
    display time in milliseconds (-1 = permanent)

Return value

If time == -1, a valid handle is returned. If time != -1, the print is only volatile and no handle is returned.


Returns the longest line from text as a string, using default line separator tilde ~.

func string Print_LongestLine(var string text, var string font)
  • var string text
    Measured text
  • var string font
    Name of font


Returns the longest line from text as a string, but you specify new line separator.

func string Print_LongestLineExt(var string text, var string font, var string separator)
  • var string text
    Measured text
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var string separator
    New line separator


Returns the longest line width in pixels, using default line separator tilde ~.

func int Print_LongestLineLength(var string text, var string font)
  • var string text
    Measured text
  • var string font
    Name of font


Returns the longest line width in pixels, but allows you to specify new line separator.

func int Print_LongestLineLengthExt(var string text, var string font, var string separator)
  • var string text
    Measured text
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var string separator
    New line separator


Creates a text field (view with text) using virtual coordinates.

func int Print_TextField(var int x, var int y, var string text, var string font, var int height)
  • var int x
    X coordinate (virtual)
  • var int y
    Y coordinate (virtual)
  • var string text
    Text to be printed
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var int height
    A specific line height

Return value

The function returns a text field pointer. Here is how it is used:

var zCView view; view = get(viewHndl);
view.textLines_next = Print_TextField(x, y, text, FONT, fontHeight);


Print_TextField but with pixel coordinates.

func int Print_TextFieldPxl(var int x, var int y, var string text, var string font)
  • var int x
    X coordinate (pixel)
  • var int y
    Y coordinate (pixel)
  • var string text
    Text to be printed
  • var string font
    Name of font

Return value

The function returns a text field pointer. Look at the Print_TextField return value to see an example.


Print_TextField but you specify the color of text.

func int Print_TextFieldColored(var int x, var int y, var string text, var string font, var int height, var int color)
  • var int x
    X coordinate (virtual)
  • var int y
    Y coordinate (virtual)
  • var string text
    Text to be printed
  • var string font
    Name of font
  • var int height
    A specific line height
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function

Return value

The function returns a text field pointer. Look at the Print_TextField return value to see an example.



Same function as the external Print, but with smooth animations. The effect can be changed as desired with the user constants.

func void PrintS(var string txt)
  • var string txt
    Printed text



PrintS but with an additional parameter to choose the color of the text.

func void PrintS_Ext(var string txt, var int color)
  • var string txt
    Printed text
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function



Version of PrintS that enqueue in given NPCs AI queue.

func void AI_PrintS(var c_npc slf, var string txt)
  • var c_npc slf
    NPC to whose AI queue the function is enqueued
  • var string txt
    Printed text



Version of PrintS_Ext that enqueue in given NPCs AI queue.

func void AI_PrintS_Ext(var c_npc slf, var string txt, var int color)
  • var c_npc slf
    NPC to whose AI queue the function is enqueued
  • var string txt
    Printed text
  • var int color
    zColor e.g. generated with RGBA function


Manage a print via zCViewText

It is also possible to create the text only via Print_CreateText and set it yourself. In this example, a text should fly over the image from left to right and be deleted again. The movement is handled by Anim8:

var int MyText;
var int MyAnim8;
func void PrintMyScrollingText(var string text) {
    MyText = Print_CreateText(text, FONT_Screen); // We create an empty text item with the font FONT_Screen

    var zCViewText MyTextObject; MyTextObject = Print_GetText(MyText); // Now we get the empty text item in a zCViewText

    MyTextObject.posx = 1;      // adjust position
    MyTextObject.posy = 1;      // ATTENTION: These values are virtual, i.e.: 0 = far left, 8192 = far right (i.e. no pixel specification)
                                // (But if I prefer to have pixel coordinates I could use e.g. Print_ToVirtual)
    MyTextObject.timed = false; // The text should not be timed (not disappear)

    // Anim8 will animate a text
    // First we need a new Anim8 object:
    MyAnim8 = Anim8_New(1, false); // Start position is 1 and this value is not a float

    Anim8(MyAnim8, 8192, 2000, A8_Constant); // Target Position is 8192, Duration is 2000 milliseconds, and Movement Form is Constant

    // Now all we need is a loop that matches the x value of the text to the value of Anim8:

func void ScrollMyText() {
    var zCViewText MyTextObject; MyTextObject = Print_GetText(MyText); // Get the text as an object again

    // And now compare the values:
    MyTextObject.posx = Anim8_Get(MyAnim8);

    // When Anim8 is done with that, we end the loop and delete the text:
    if(Anim8_Empty(MyAnim8)) {
        // The Anim8 object must of course also be deleted. We don't need it anymore.

Manage a print via zCViewText with LeGo 2.2+

In those days it was perhaps pleasant, but today it is no longer. Anim8 has seen a few improvements with LeGo 2.2 that make it much easier to create the same effect:

var int MyText;
var int MyAnim8;
func void PrintMyScrollingText(var string text) {
    // Create and set text:
    MyText = Print_CreateText(text, FONT_Screen);

    var zCViewText MyTextObject; MyTextObject = Print_GetText(MyText);

    MyTextObject.posx = 1;
    MyTextObject.posy = 1;

    MyTextObject.timed = false;

    // But now comes the trick: We use Anim8_NewExt, this allows us to set a "Handler" and "Data".
    MyAnim8 = Anim8_NewExt(1, ScrollMyText, MyText, false);

    // ScrollMyText is passed as the handler and MyText as the data.
    // In concrete terms, this means: ScrollMyText is always called
    // when Anim8 has recalculated the position.
    // Pass data and the new position as parameters. Let's see how it goes.

    // Set the animation again as usual:
    Anim8(MyAnim8, 8192, 2000, A8_Constant);

    // And this time no FrameFunction.
    // Instead, we tell Anim8 to clean up by itself when it's done:
    Anim8_RemoveIfEmpty(MyAnim8, true);

    // The text should also disappear by itself:
    Anim8_RemoveDataIfEmpty(MyAnim8, true);

    // Since MyText is a handle, this will work.
    // If MyText were a pointer, RemoveDataIfEmpty should not be activated, it would lead to an error message.

func void ScrollMyText(var int MyText, var int Position) {
     // Get the text as an object again
    var zCViewText MyTextObject; MyTextObject = Print_GetText(MyText);

    // And now compare the values:
    MyTextObject.posx = Position;

    // Since Anim8 does the deleting itself, we don't have to worry about that.