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Menu function


Find all C_MenuItem object instances by the mask and automatically places them in the current menu instance

func void Menu_SearchItems( var string mask ) {};
  • mask - regex like mask for searching


This function is used in the Union Menu API script.
In this script the Menu_SearchItems external is used to collect all Union menu scripts that are placed into the Union & Plugins menu that will appear in the game if you use any of the plugins that use this feature.

Usage of Menu_SearchItems external function
    MENU_OPT_UNION_PY = 1200;
    backpic           = MENU_BACK_PIC;
    items[0]          = "UNION_MENUITEM_TITLE";
    items[100]        = "UNION_MENUITEM_BACK";
    defaultoutgame    = 0;
    defaultingame     = 0;
    Flags             = Flags | MENU_SHOW_INFO;

In this case all instances are of the name MENUITEM_UNION_AUTO_* where * is a wildcard that can be substituted with anything. The plugin will search the scripts and find all instances (in the case of zGamePad it is MenuItem_Union_Auto_zGamePad)

This example comes from the zUnionMenu.d injectable API script that is part of the zGamePad plugin, GitHub link.