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C_SFX Daedalus class

Class C_SFX defines sound effects of the game.

Class definition

Class definition as it is defined in Scripts/System/_intern/SFX.d script file.

C_Sfx Daedalus class
    VAR string  file;               // Sound file in `.wav` format
    VAR int     pitchOff;           // Pitch offset in semitones
    VAR int     pitchVar;           // Semitone variance
    VAR int     vol;                // Sound volume
    VAR int     loop;               // Enable looping
    VAR int     loopStartOffset;    // Loop start offset
    VAR int     loopEndOffset;      // Loop end offset
    VAR float   reverbLevel;        // Reverb level
    VAR string  pfxName;            // Particle effect name

Class members

Variable Type Description
file string Sound file in .wav format
pitchOff int Pitch offset in semitones
pitchVar int Semitone variance
vol int Sound volume
loop int Enable looping
loopStartOffset int Loop start offset
loopEndOffset int Loop end offset
reverbLevel float Reverb level
pfxName string Particle effect name

Class member overview


This variable holds the name of the sound file in .wav format. It is used to specify which sound effect should be played. The file must be located in the _work/Data/Sound/SFX/ directory, so the game can access it.


The pitchOff variable sets the pitch offset in semitones. This allows you to adjust the pitch of the sound effect up or down, providing flexibility in how the sound is perceived in the game.


pitchVar defines the semitone variance for the sound effect.


This variable controls the sound volume.


The loop variable enables or disables looping of the sound effect. When set to true, the sound will continuously repeat, which is useful for background sounds or ambient effects like fire or wind.


loopStartOffset specifies the point in the sound file where looping should start. This allows for more precise control over which part of the sound effect is repeated.


Similar to loopStartOffset, loopEndOffset defines where the looping should end. Together, these two variables allow you to create seamless loops by specifying the exact segment of the sound file to be repeated.


The reverbLevel variable sets the level of reverb applied to the sound effect.


This variable holds the name of the particle effect associated with the sound.