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C_SNDSYS_CFG Daedalus class

Class C_SndSys_CFG defines the global settings for the game's sounds.

An instance of this class is declared only once.

Class definition

Class definition as it is defined in Scripts/System/_intern/SFX.d script file.

C_SndSys_CFG Daedalus class
    VAR FLOAT   volume;             // Sound volume
    VAR INT     bitResolution;      // Sound quality
    VAR INT     sampleRate;         // Frequency
    VAR INT     useStereo;          // Stereo sound
    VAR INT     numSFXChannels;     // Number of sound channels
    VAR STRING  used3DProviderName; // Name of the 3D sound provider

Class members

Variable Type Description
volume float Overall sound volume
bitResolution int Sound quality
sampleRate int Frequency
useStereo int Stereo sound
numSFXChannels int Number of sound channels
used3DProviderName string Name of the 3D sound provider

Class member overview

Description of the class member variables.


The overall volume of the background music (soundtrack). This value ranges from 0.0 to 1.0, where 0.0 is completely muted and 1.0 is the maximum volume.


Defines the sound quality in terms of bit depth. It can be either 8-bit or 16-bit, with 16-bit providing higher audio fidelity.


Specifies the frequency at which the sound is sampled. This value ranges from 11050 Hz to 44100 Hz, with higher values offering better sound quality.


A flag indicating whether stereo sound is enabled. A value of 1 means stereo sound is used, while 0 means mono sound.


Determines the number of sound effect channels available. This value ranges from 1 to 32, allowing for multiple sound effects to be played simultaneously.


Specifies the size of the reverb buffer, which affects the quality and duration of the reverb effect in the game's audio.


Name of the 3D sound provider. One of the constants defined in Scripts/System/_intern/SFX.d.

CONST STRING PROV_DOLBY_SURR        = "Dolby Surround";
CONST STRING PROV_A3D               = "Aureal A3D Interactive(TM)";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D_HW            = "DirectSound3D Hardware Support";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D_SW            = "DirectSound3D Software Emulation";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D_EAX           = "DirectSound3D with Creative Labs EAX(TM)";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D7_FULL_HRTF    = "DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Full HRTF";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D7_LIGHT_HRTF   = "DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Light HRTF";
CONST STRING PROV_D3D7_PAN          = "DirectSound3D 7+ Software - Pan and Volume";
CONST STRING PROV_EAX               = "Creative Labs EAX (TM)";
CONST STRING PROV_EAX2              = "Creative Labs EAX 2 (TM)";
CONST STRING PROV_MILES_2D          = "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio";
CONST STRING PROV_RSX               = "RAD Game Tools RSX 3D Audio";