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META block

The META block is optional. If it is specified, it has to be the very first thing in the file without any indent or a comment above it.


    Parser // specifies into which compiled file the scripts are going to be injected
        Code    Name              DAT file
        ---     ------            -------
        Game    parser            Gothic.dat
        SFX     parserSoundFX     SFX.dat
        PFX     parserParticleFX  ParticleFX.dat
        VFX     parserVisualFX    VisualFX.dat
        Camera  parserCamera      Camera.dat
        Menu    parserMenu        Menu.dat
        Music   parserMusic       Music.dat
    MergeMode   // 0 - if conflict occurs = compilation error, 1 - if conflict occurs = hook
    Engine      // comma separated list of engines for which the scripts will be injected 
        Code  Engine          Human readable name
        ---   -----           -----------------------
        G1    Gothic I        Gothic I Classic
        G1A   Gothic Sequel   Gothic I Addon <3
        G2    Gothic II       Gothic II Classic
        G2A   Gothic II NoTR  Gothic II Addon

    NativeWhile // use native while
    Namespace   // namespace of this script file
    Using       // comma separated list of namespaces, that are considered local for this script file
    Mod         // specify for which mod should this code be injected
    After       // comma separated list of scripts, after which this script should be parsed


This is an example of a META block, that will inject the script into the Menu.dat file, for Gothic II Classic and Gothic II Addon engines, after the TestScript.d and HelpFunctions.d scripts, for GothicGame.mod and LHiver.mod.

    Parser = Menu;
    After  = TestScript.d, HelpFunctions.d;
    Engine = G2, G2A;
    Mod    = GothicGame.mod, LHiver.mod;